Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The boob tube...

I must say the more I watch the tube, the more I understand why our society is unhealthy! The commercials are FULL of misinformation! Marketing, promotions and claims - false false false! Its not to say that its only that 'bad' things are made to seem good for you, everything and everyone has their own take on products, whatever makes it sell. My biggest issue is with FOOD products. People think that if they eat Dempsters white bread they are 'healthy' and getting essential vitamins and minerals because they are 'added' and the commercial says so. Not true... oh the list goes on and on. All products aimed at childen's consumption should not exist - I swear they are some of the WORST products out there... full of refined sugars, chemicals and food so processed it shouldn't be called food anymore.
Back to work, more thoughts on this later....