Monday, 8 July 2013

Wellllll, another month has gone by with no post, time to pull up my socks (not that I wear any in this heat) but you know what I mean. Shit hit the fan for my family the past month and I seem to just now be picking up my scattered emotional pieces. My dear grandpa became ill, ran into some irreparable heart troubles (due to his wonderfully ripe age of 91!) and sadly he passed away on June 21st. His almost 3 weeks in the hospital are a bit of a blur and well so is the time thereafter... with having a 7 month old to contend with, she was a pleasant distraction (and in so many positive ways) but ultimately delayed me having the time to deal with the loss to our family. Our visits to see my grandpa at the hospital were sad but to see the smile on his face when I walked in with Molly melted my heart. She was dubbed 'the spreader of smiles' at the hospital because every person that saw her smiled, and of course, she smiled back. I carried her in my much loved Beco Gemini carrier so she was facing out, facing all the patients and visitors and giving them her big toothless smiles. I'm so lucky I get to see that face every day. 
Especially this new one...

Now we fast forward a few weeks and our poor babe is now run down to a virus, basically a cold, which breaks my heart to hear her hack and cough, then sneeze and have boogers on her face. I deem this time, 'us' time... time for me to reflect and absorb things and to take care of our baby girl. The pediatrician at the walk-in clinic yesterday was great, after he ruled out anything in her chest he said 3 things: lots of rest, breastfeed more often (more fluids and antibodies to help fight it off! Yay breast milk!) and Tylenol if she gets a fever over 38.5... but only then, he said the fever is good to a point but then you want to make them comfortable. I liked this doctor and so did Graeme. And I'm not big on doctors. So that means a lot. 

Onto the foodie topic, Graeme, to my delight cooked up some french toast for breakfast today but the joy for my favorite brekkie turned to sadness when I realized we are still out of maple syrup... boo! So I had to make due and think of something else sweet and yummy... the answer was a spread of my mom/sisters homemade strawberry jam and chocolate coconut yogurt made by Yoso (this stuff is my saving grace since I'm 99% dairy free). I think I could have eaten a whole loaf of bread worth with those toppings! Yum! 

Next post will be all about labels, my obsession and nemesis... as a nutritionist teaching clients how to read them is such an important lesson! 

And here is a link to a post I read this morning, post on 'Tips for Overcoming FoMo' by a fellow Nutritionist Meghan Telpner - yup that's right 'Fear of Missing Out'... I know quite a few people who suffer from this (including myself once in a while) check it out!

Have a wonderful day! 

Andrea :)

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